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    Bassem Mohsen - Freelance Windows and
    Web application developer. Technical writer. 24 yo. Based in Cairo, Egypt.

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Archive for September, 2011

Posting a List of Structured Items to an ASP.NET MVC Action

Posted by Bassem Mohsen on September 3, 2011


You want to build on the client-side a list of structured items (for example a list of Shopping Cart Items with each item having a Product ID and a Quantity). Then you want to post this list to an ASP.NET MVC action using a single HTTP request.

Server-Side Code

You start by defining a model class that represents an item of the list.

public class ShoppingCartItem


    public int ProductID { get; set; }

    public int Quantity  { get; set; }


Then you define an action method that takes as argument an array of items.


public ActionResult Index(ShoppingCartItem[] items)


    // Process the shopping cart items here.


Client-Side Code

@{ Html.BeginForm(); }


    <input type="hidden" name="items[0].ProductID" value="102" />

    <input type="hidden" name="items[0].Quantity" value="1" />

    <input type="hidden" name="items[1].ProductID" value="103" />

    <input type="hidden" name="items[1].Quantity" value="3" />

    <input type="hidden" name="items[2].ProductID" value="104" />

    <input type="hidden" name="items[2].Quantity" value="2" />


    <input type="submit" value="Post list" />


@{ Html.EndForm(); }

If the above form is posted to the Index action method we defined earlier, the key-value pairs will be translated on the server to a ShoppingCartItem array with 3 elements.

But it is usually not that easy. You will probably want to add and remove items dynamically on the client-side using JavaScript before posting the form. Here is how to do it: Start by creating the form that will be used to post the list of items.

@{ Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "cart-items-form" }); }


@{ Html.EndForm(); }

And define the template for the HTML element that will represent an item.

var cartItemTemplate =

    '<div id="cart-item-{itemID}" class="cart-item">' +

    '    <input type="hidden" name="items[i].ProductID" value="{productID}" />' +

    '    <input type="hidden" name="items[i].Quantity" value="{quantity}" />' +


Now the methods to add and remove items. The method that adds an item returns an ID that can be used later to remove the item.

function addCartItem(productID, quantity) {

    var cartItemHtml = cartItemTemplate.replace('{itemID}', currentItemID)

                                       .replace('{productID}', productID)

                                       .replace('{quantity}', quantity);




    return currentItemID++;



function removeCartItem(itemID) {

    $('#cart-items-form').children('#cart-item-' + itemID).remove();


And right before posting the form, replace the [i] in the names by the actual item indices.

$(function () {


        function () {


                function (cartItemIndex, cartItemElement) {


                        function () {

                            var newName = $(this).attr('name').replace('[i]', '[' + cartItemIndex + ']');

                            $(this).attr('name', newName)








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