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    Bassem Mohsen - Freelance Windows and
    Web application developer. Technical writer. 24 yo. Based in Cairo, Egypt.

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Archive for June, 2011

Configuring Mail Sending From Web.config

Posted by Bassem Mohsen on June 16, 2011

I am using SmtpClient to send emails from my Web apps since a long time. But only recently I realized that you can configure mail sending options (the SMTP server address, port number, from address, username, password, etc.) from the Web.config file instead of using constructor arguments and/or setting the SmtpClient properties. The Web.config approach allows administrators to change the configuration later without having to recompile.

To configure mail sending add to your Web.config file a <mailSettings> element under <> under the root <configuration> element.




Here is the configuration I used to send emails from my Gmail account.



    <network host="" port="587"

             userName="" password="•••••••"

             enableSsl="true" />



SmtpClient’s default constructor initializes the new instance from the values specified in the mailSettings section

MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage()


    Subject = "Sent by My Code",

    Body = "This email was sent by my code.",

    IsBodyHtml = false


mailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(""));

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

smtpClient.SendAsync(mailMessage, null);

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